
If you want to provide Air Traffic Service over Lithuania in VATSIM - this page is intended for you, here you will find all the information you need to become an Air Traffic Controller within vACC Lithuania or became a Visiting Controller

How to become an Air Traffic Controller?

In order to become an Air Traffic Controller within vACC Lithuania you have to follow the next steps


Hold VATSIM registration

If you haven't registered in VATSIM yet, you shall do so by visiting VATSIM official website

Check VATSIM assigned subdivision

In order to proceed with ATC training you have to make sure that your registration is completed under the following location: Europe, Middle East and Africa - Europe (except UK) - Lithuania. 
You may check this information on your VATSIM Dashboard and in case it differs - request the Region Change under the Membership Help section

Reach out to us

To begin the training process first of all you will be required to contact us through email or Discord server and let us know that you're willing to join the ATC training process

Start your training

After you have been assigned with ATC Instructor you may begin your training, you will be provided with the guides on what knowledge is required for you to become an ATC, references for the required documents and will be given a simulation training

Passing exams and achieving rating

When your training is complete you have to pass ATC exams consisting of theoretical and/or practical tests. A successfully passed exam is followed by issuing you an ATC Rating, that allow you to perform Air Traffic Service within airspace of Lithuania

vACC Lithuania local limitations

According to the real-life airspace structure of Vilnius FIR, there are no Ground ATC positions available, therefore the following procedures are set

Tower positions are divided into two types:
- Not Providing Radar Service
- Providing Radar Service.

Therefore, according to VATSIM GRP to provide Air Traffic Service on the position of Tower (Providing Radar Service) the ATC is obligated to hold at least Student 3 (APP) rating

The only Tower position (Not Providing Radar Service) is Vilnius Tower (EYVI_TWR), an ATC providing service on this position shall hold at least Student 2 (TWR) rating

The further process on complying with this limitation is described in Subdivision Policy

Area of Responsibility

Here is the major information of Area of Responsibility for vACC Lithuania

If you would like to get more information on how we operate, what areas and how we cover them you may check out our Subdivision and Training Policy


The airspace covers the international designated borders of Lithuania and consists of single Vilnius FIR, 7 TMA and 4 CTR areas


We cover 4 major airports of Lithuania, such as Vilnius, Kaunas, Palanga and Šiauliai. Also we provide a Flight Information Service for the rest of airports and aerodromes within Lithuania

Vertical Separation

Lithuania uses standard semi-circular system for vertical separation with sectors 000° - 179° (odd levels) and 180° - 359° (even levels) and standard interval of 1000 ft between the opposite directed levels

ATC Positions and Frequencies

Vilnius Tower


Kaunas Tower


Palanga Tower


Siauliai Tower


Vilnius Approach 


Vilnius Control


Vilnius East Control




You may reach out to us by means of email or joining our Discord server with the links provided

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